Good Wine Marriage Program
The Good Wine is a webinar series that is designed to help married couples reframe common challenges in the area of communication and conflict within the context of an Eastern Christian Theological vision of marriage. Using the Byzantine Rite Marriage (Crowning) service as a backdrop, this program provides couples with the practical insights, tools and techniques to help them more effectively live out their marriage as an expression of their shared journey towards salvation, understood as Theosis or Deification.

Next Session Coming
Fall 2025
Fr. Elias Dorham D.Min.
Fr Elias Dorham serves as the Pastor of St. John Chrysostom Melkite Catholic Church in Atlanta Georgia. He and Khouria Sylvia have been married for 30 years and have 10 children and three grandchildren. Prior to ordination, his professional experience encompassed coaching and leadership development across the military, federal/local government, and technology sectors. He holds a Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) from St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. His doctoral ministry project was in the realm of marriage enrichment and development. He also has a M.A. in Theological Studies from Christendom College, an M.S. in Information Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a B.S. in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy. Father Elias is currently facilitating Mount Tabor’s Marriage Enrichment Program, facilitating the 7 Principles workshops and other endeavors.
He can be reached at or 303-422-1567 ext. 8.