Marriage Treatment Phase
After a couple has completed the Assessment Phase, they will be informed as to whether they would benefit from Couples Counseling. In this case they will be presented with a Treatment Plan which will outline the goals of the couples counseling. This will be discussed in detail with the couple, so that everyone is on the same page.
Treatment tends to come in two forms, Standard Couples Counseling and Marathon Couples Counseling.

Standard Couples Counseling
Standard Couples counseling typically focuses on weekly meetings for 50-75 minutes where the couple is guided through specific exercises based on information found in the Couples Assessment. Research has indicated that couples typically require 17 hours or more of couples counseling to make significant changes in their relationship functioning. The treatment is continually being checked with the Treatment Plan which was provided at the beginning of treatment, and discussed with the clients.
Marathon Couples Counseling
Marathon Couples Counseling is used for when couples, for whatever reason, require more extensive intervention at the beginning of treatment. There are a number of ways these interventions can take place, including over 2, 3 or 4 day intensives. It is preferred the couples complete the Assessment before seeking Marathon Couples Counseling.
If you are ready to begin your journey with us please contact us to make an appointment.
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**If you are interested in counseling services, please specify in your email or phone call your preferred office location, in addition to any other questions or comments. Thank you!
Mount Tabor Counseling is not a crisis-counseling agency, and same-day appointments are not typical. If you need immediate help, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.
What Issues Can Couples Counseling Help With?
- Feeling misunderstood and unheard in conversations.
- Conflict resolution difficulties: Frequently revisiting past issues and experiencing escalated arguments.
- Intimacy concerns: Sensing a lack of emotional connection, feeling like roommates, and dissatisfaction with the sexual aspect of the relationship.
- Practical issues: Struggles with finances, career-related conflicts, and unequal distribution of household responsibilities.
- Parenting conflicts: Divergent beliefs and values regarding parenting and child-rearing.
- Unhealthy relationship patterns: Regularly engaging in criticism, blame, and periods of withdrawal.
- Commitment concerns: Experiencing repeated breakups or taking breaks from the relationship.
- Trust issues: Dealing with instances of infidelity, secret-keeping, and dishonesty.
- Addictions Issues: One or both of the parties involved.
Should I do Couples Counseling or Individual Therapy
Both individual therapy and couples counseling can offer potential benefits to a relationship. However, couples counseling is most effective when both partners are motivated to make changes in the relationship. It involves engaging in open communication during sessions and working on relationship between appointments. If the core problems lie within the relationship and both partners are willing to participate in therapy, couples counseling is the recommended starting point.
Individual therapy can contribute to bettering a relationship when a single partner is willing to work on personal difficulties. For example, an individual may seek therapy to work on problematic behaviors that are negatively affecting their relationship.
In certain cases, a combination of individual therapy and couples counseling can lead to positive changes in a relationship.
If you are unsure about the best approach for addressing your relationship issues, please discuss the possibility of individual or couples counseling with your partner. We are happy to meet to discuss your options in a consultation as well.