Music Therapy and its Connection to Eastern Christian psychotherapy?

What is Music Therapy and what does it have to do with Eastern Christian psychotherapy? Most psychotherapists are familiar with the task of having to explain their professions to the lay public and clear up common misconceptions. This task is magnified for the music therapist. “What type of music should I listen to?” “So, do … Read more

Less Than the Best for Christ

By Raymond Bucko, SJ from Omaha, NE, USA (Icon of Saint Xenia) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Last weekend, we celebrated the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (the parable found in Luke 18:9-14). It is quite the cautionary tale for us “good” Christians. It serves as a warning for us that even the most Christian-y, virtuous things we do can be ruined by pride and vainglory. In the parable, the … Read more

You are not enough. And that’s okay.

You are enough

Everyone goes through times of insecurity and anxiety over their place in the world. We fail and see our limitations and worry that we are not enough and never will be enough. The popular Christian culture’s response to this has generally been to come back and assure us that we are, indeed, enough. In fact, … Read more

Making the Most of Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's resolutions

Happy New Year! Are you making resolutions for this year? Here are three ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your goals in 2017: Examine your resolutions to make sure they are actually addressing your struggles rather than distracting from them.   When people are struggling in one aspect of their life, it’s common … Read more